Timeline of Innovation Firsts & Economic Impacts
What follows is a list of firsts in innovation, the current status of the innovation, and its economic impact. We distinguish a bit from innovative scientific discoveries, best represented by the list of Nobel Prize winners and achievements. At some point, Peak Innovation, new innovations make a decreasing economic impact. We divide this timetable into three previous foundational innovation periods (followed by exploitation/exhaustion) periods, with one coming foundational innovation period:
Industrial Revolution | |
1782 - Steam Engine | 1839 - Telegraph/Photography |
Science Revolution | |
1865 - Electromagnetics | 1905 - Modern Physics |
Technology Revolution | |
1958 - Integrated Circuit | 1981 - Teletext/Personal Computer |
2031 - Cheap Electicity Storage | 2041 - Cheap Ground-to-LEO Fares |

Ancient Innovation - Before the Renaissance (circa 1400 CE)
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
-55,300,000 | Farming (fungus) | Ants | Active | BR | |
-3,300,000 | Stone Tools | Australopithecines | Active | KE | |
-130,000 | Jewelry | Neandertals | Active | EU | |
-100,000 | Ocean Travel (Ocean Travel) | Neandertals | Active | EU | |
-100,000 | Paint | N/A | Active | ZA | |
-70,000 | Glue | N/A | Active | ZA | |
-30,000 | Bread | Europe | Active | EU | |
-21,000 | Fishook | Okinawans | Active | JP | |
-20,000 | Pottery | China | Active | CN | |
-13,500 | Graveyard | Israel | Active | IL | |
-12,000 | Farming | Fertile Crescent | Active | N/A | |
-8500 | Dairy Products | Middle East | Active | TR | |
-8000 | Sugar | New Guinea | Active | PG | |
-7500 | Brick | Anatolia | Active | TR | |
-7000 | Milk | Asia | Active | N/A | |
-6000 | Plow | Fertile Crescent | Active | N/A | |
-5000 | Toothpaste | Egypt | Active | EG | |
-4000 | Pesticides (powdered sulfur) | Sumeria | Active | IQ | |
-4000 | Brothel | Sumeria | Active | IQ | |
-4000 | Beer (Hymn to Ninkasi) | Sumeria | Active | IQ | |
-4000 | Textile Dyes ((indigo) | Peru | Active | PE | |
-3400 | Wheeled Vehicle | [see Broncoice pot] | Active | N/A | |
-3000 | City (urban life) | Uruk | IQ | Active | |
-3000 | Writing (cuneiform) | Uruk | IQ | Active | |
-3000 | Authentication (cylinder seals) | Uruk | IQ | Obsolete | |
-3000 | Money | Mesopotamia | Active | IQ | |
-3000 | Shirt | Egypt | Active | EG | |
-2900 | Taxes | Egypt | Active | EG | |
-2800 | Soap | Babylon | Active | IQ | |
-2700 | Medicinal Marijuana | Shen Nung | Active | CN | |
-2700 | Plumbing | Indus | Active | IN | |
-2700 | Waste Removal Social Network | SEE PLUMBING | |||
-2000 | Perfume | Cyprus | Active | GR | |
-1500 | Glass Bottle | N/A | Active | N/A | |
-1300 | Lathe | N/A | Active | EG | |
-1100 | Plant Breeding (corn) | Mexico | Active | MX | |
-930 | Iron Smelting | N/A | Active | JO | |
-776 | Stadium | Greece | Active | GR | |
-700 | Umbrella | Assyrians | Active | IQ | |
-650 | Aqueduct | Assyrians | Active | IQ | |
-550 | Biological Warfare | Assyrians | Active | IQ | |
-550? | Persia | Active | IR | ||
-550? | Written Message Social Network | SEE MAIL | |||
-508 | Democracy | Cleisthenes | Active | GR | |
-400 | Durable concrete | Roman Empire | Active | IT | |
-400 | Hospital | King Pandukabhaya | Active | LR | |
-350? | Wigs | Egypt | Active | EG | |
-200? | Candle | China | Active | CN | |
-280? | Lighthouse | Alexandria | Unessential | EG | |
-120? | Stirrup | Indus Valley | Active | IN | |
-87 | Analog Computer | Archimedes? Antikythera | Unessential | GR | |
98 | Encyclopedia | Pliny the Elder | Active | IT | |
100 | Glass Windows | Romans | Active | IT | |
105 | Paper | Cai Lun | Active | CN | |
270? | Sawmill | Romans | Active | IT | |
270? | Crankshaft | Romans | Active | IT | |
430? | Crystallized Sugar | India | Active | IN | |
450 | Zero | India | Active | IN | |
580 | Toilet Paper | N/A | Active | CN | |
650? | Fireworks | N/A | Active | CN | |
690? | Paper Money | Tang Dynasty | Active | CN | |
850 | Oil Painting | Afghanistan | Active | AF | |
800 | Decryption | Al-Kindi | Active | IQ | |
950 | Canal Lock (pound lock) | Chiao Wei-yo | Active | CN | |
1021 | Scientific Method Book of Optics | Ibn al-Haytham | Active | EG | |
1044 or earlier | Gunpowder | (first recipes in Wujing Zongyao) | Active | CN | |
1045 | Moveable Type | Bi Sheng | Unessential | CN | |
1088 | Mechanical Clock | Su Sung | Unessential | CN | |
1115 | Flywheel | Theophilus Presbyter | Active | DE | |
1215 | Consitutional Governance | Magna Carta | Active | UK | |
1260? | Fractional Distillation | Tadeo Alderotti | Active | IT | |
1286 | Eyeglasses | N/A | Active | IT | |
1311 | Navigation Chart | Petrus Veconte | Active | IT | |
1320 | Assembly Line | Venetian Arsenal | Active | IT | |
1320 | Manufacturing Social Network | SEE ASSEMBLY LINE | |||
1344 | Perspective | Ambrogio Lorenzetti | Active | IT |
Innovation - Start of the Renaissance (circa 1400 CE)
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
1440 | Coffee | Sufi Monasteries | Active | YE | |
1450 | Anemometer | Leon Battista Alberti | Active | IT | |
1450 | Printing Press | Johannes Gutenberg | Active | DE | |
1460 | Rifle | N/A | Active | EU | |
1470 | Parachute | N/A | Active | IT | |
1474 | Patent System | Republic of Venice | Active | IT | |
1500 | Watch | Peter Henlein (?) | Active | DE | |
1503 | Paperback Books | Aldus Manutius | Active | IT | |
1520 | Productized Opium | Paracelsus | Active | CH | |
1530 | Chocolate | Herman Cortes | Active | ES | |
1531 | Champagne | Benedictine Monks | Active | FR | |
1100s | Immunization (Variolation) | China | Active | CN | |
1560 | Pencil | Simonio/Lyndiana Bernacotti | Active | IT | |
1564 | Condom | Gabriello Fallopio | Active | IT | |
1589 | Knitting Machine | William Lee | Active | UK | |
1590 | Microscope | Zacharias Janssen | Active | NL | |
1600 | Lobbying | East India Company | Active | UK | |
1605 | Newspaper | Johann Carolus | Active | DE | |
1605 | Science | Sir Francis Bacon | Active | UK | |
1605 | Written News Social Network | SEE NEWSPAPER | |||
1608 | Telescope | Hans Lippershey | Active | DE | |
1612 | Thermometer | Francesco Sagredo | Active | IT | |
1620 | Submarine | Cornelius Drebbel | Active | NL | |
1620 | Science Fiction (Somnium) | Johannes Kepler | Active | AT | |
1632 | Slide Rule | William Oughtred | Obsolete (evolution: 1972 - HP-35) | UK | |
1640 | Taxi | Nicolas Sauvage | Active | FR | |
1643 | Vacuum/Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli | Active | IT | |
1648 | Sovereign State | Treaty of Westphalia | Active | DE | |
1654 | Vacuum Pump | Otto von Guericke | Active | DE | |
1657 | Probability Theory | Christiaan Huygens | Active | NL | |
1662 | Equation of State | Robert Boyle | Active | UK | |
1665 | Science Journal Phil.Tran.Roy.Soc. | Henry Oldenburg | Active | UK | |
1669 | Phosphorus | Henning Brand | Active | DE | |
1679 | Pressure Cooker | Denis Papin | Active | FR | |
1685 | Calculus | Leibniz/Newton | Active | DE/UK | |
1701 | Seed Drill | Jethro Tull | Active | UK | |
1710 | Copyright System | Statute of Anne | Active | UK | |
1710 | Futures Contracts | Dojima Rice Exchange | Active | JP | |
1712 | Reciprocating Engine (steam) | Thomas Newcomen | Obsolete (evolution: 1782 - Steam Engine 1807 - Int. Comb. Engine) | UK | |
1728 | Modern Dentistry | Pierre Fauchard | Active | FR | |
1731 | Magazine | Edward Cave | Active | UK | |
1738 | Economic Utility | Daniel Bernoulli | Active | CH | |
1746/1801 | Programmable Machine | Jacques de Vaucanson Joseph Marie Jacquard | Active | FR | |
1760 | Jigsaw Puzzle | John Spilsbury | Active | UK | |
1760 | Jesus Realism | Hermann Samuel Reimarus | Active | DE | |
1761 | Modern Factory | Matthew Boulton (Soho Manufactory) | Active | UK | |
1763 | Sea Navigation | Nevil Maskelyne (British Mariner's Guide) | Active | UK | |
1769 | Self-Powered Vehicle | Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot | Obsolete | FR | |
1770s | Modern Circus | Philip Astley | Active | UK | |
1774 | Mutual Fund | N/A | Active | NL | |
1775 | Crowdfunding (see Building Society) | Kelley's Building Society | Active | UK | |
1775 | Flush Toilet | Alexander Cummings | Active | UK |
Start of the Steam Engine to Telegraph/Photography Innovation Era
(1782-1839) - Industrial Revolution
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
1782 | Steam Engine | James Watt | Active | UK | |
1782 | Rotary Washing Machine | Henry Sidgier | Active | UK | |
1783 | Modern Chemistry | Antoine Lavoisier | Active | FR | |
1785 | Shopping Mall | Great Gostiny Dvor | Active | RU | |
1791 | Gas Turbine | John Barber | Active | UK | |
1791 | Modern Prison | Jeremy Bentham | Active | UK | |
1794 | Cotton Gin | Eli Whitney | Active | US | |
1795 | Pasteurization | Nicolas Appert | Active | FR | |
1796 | Vaccines | Edward Jenner | Active | UK | |
1800 | Battery | Alessandro Volta | Active | IT | |
1800 | Electrochemistry | Alessandro Volta | Active | IT | |
1804 | Train Locomotive | Richard Trevithick | Active | UK | |
1805 | Fast Fourier Transform | Carl Friedrich Gauss | Active | DE | |
1807 | Internal Combustion Engine | Nicephore Niepce | Active | FR | |
1810 | Canned Foods | Peter Durand | Active | UK | |
1814/1835 | Revolver Gun | Elisha Collier/Samuel Colt | Active | US/US | |
1816 | Stethoscope | Rene H.T. Laennec | Active | FR | |
1819 | Spectrometer | Joseph von Fraunhofer | Active | DE | |
1819 | Caffeine | Friedlieb Runge | Active | DE | |
1821 | Electric Motor | Michael Faraday | Active | UK | |
1821 | Fresnel Lens | Augustin-Jean Fresnel | Active | FR | |
1824 | Electromagnet | William Sturgeon | Active | UK | |
1824 | Thermodynamics | Sadi Carnot | Active | FR | |
1826 | Friction Match | John Walker | Active | UK | |
1827 | Electric Generator | Anyos Jedlik | Active | HU | |
1827 | Lawnmower | Edwin Budding | Active | UK | |
1829 | Terrarium | Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward | Active | UK | |
1831 | Safety Fuse (blasting) | William Bickford | Active | UK | |
1832 | Gyroscope | Walter R. Johnson | Active | US | |
1835 | Modern Newspaper (New York Herald) | James Gordon Bennett Sr. | Active | US | |
1836 | Telegraph | Cooke/Wheatstone/Morse | Obsolete | UK/US | |
1836 | Electronic Message Social Network | SEE TELEGRAPH | |||
1836 | Transformer | Nicholas Callan | Active | IE | |
1839 | Vulcanized Rubber | Charles Goodyear | Active | US | |
1839 | Fuel Cell | William Grove | Active | UK | |
1839 | Polystyrene | Eduard Simon | Active | DE | |
1839 | B&W Photography | Louis Daguerre | Active | FR |
End of the Steam Engine to Telegraph/Photography Innovation Era
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
1840 | Soil Chemistry (NPK) | Baron Justus von Liebig | Active | DE | |
1840 | Electric Lightbulb | Warren de la Rue | Active | UK | |
1840 | Commercial Electroplating | George Eklington | Active | UK | |
1840 | Steam Hammer | James Nasmyth | Active | UK | |
1841 | Portland Cement | William Aspdin | Active | UK | |
1841 | Squeezable Metal Tube | John Goffe Rand | Active | US | |
1842 | Artificial Fertilizer | John Bennet Lawes | Active | UK | |
1842 | Air Conditiorer | John Gorrie | Active | US | |
1842 | Anesthetic Surgery | Crawford Long | Active | US | |
1845 | Pneumatic Tire | Robert William Thomson | Active | UK | |
1845 | Rubber Band | Stephen Perry | Active | UK | |
1846 | Nitroglycerine | Ascanio Sobrero | Active | IT | |
1847 | Bullet | Claude-Etienne Minie William Greener John Norton | Active | FR/UK/UK | |
1847 | Doughnut | Hanson Gregory | Active | US | |
1847 | Candy Bar | Joseph Fry | Active | UK | |
1849 | Safety Pin | Walter Hunt | Active | US | |
1850? | Modern Fish Trawling | Town of Brixham (Brixham trawler) | Active | UK | |
1851 | Franchising | Albert Singer (Sewing Machines) | Active | US | |
1851 | Prefabricated Building | Joseph Paxton | Active | UK | |
1851 | Refrigerator | John Gorrie | Active | US | |
1853 | Reinforced Concrete | Francois Coignet | Active | FR | |
1853 | Hypodermic Syringe | Alexander Wood Charles Pravaz | Active | UK/FR | |
1853 | Elevator Brake | Elisha Otis | Active | US | |
1854 | Bunsen Burner | Robert Bunsen | Active | DE | |
1854 | Breakfast Cereal | Ferdinand Schumacher (Quaker Oats) | Active | US | |
1854 | Binary Algebra | George Boole | Active | UK | |
1855 | Modern Steelmaking | Henry Bessener | Active | UK | |
1855 | Can Opener | Robert Yeates | Active | UK | |
1856 | Synthetic Dye | William Henry Perkin | Active | UK | |
1856 | Baking Powder | Eben Horsford | Active | US | |
1856 | Commodity Crops (grading) | Chicago Board of Trade | Active | US | |
1858 | Evolution | Charles Darwin Alfred Wallace | Active | UK | |
1859 | Escalator | Nathan Ames | Active | US | |
1860 | Sparkplug | Etienne Lenoir | Active | FR | |
1860 | Cocaine Processing | Albert Niemann | Active | DE | |
1861 | Color Photography | Thomas Sutton James Clerk Maxwell | Active | UK | |
1861 | Weather Forecasts | Robert FitzRoy | Active | UK |
Circa 1860, American slaves were the largest capital asset of the United States, four million people worth at least $3 billion, more than all the capital invested in railroads and factories in the United States. See also: The economics of the Civil War and slavery, by Roger Ransom of the University of California, and Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward Baptist, and Why would an economic analysis of the U.S. in the 1800s ignore American slavery? (Mother Jones, May 2015). Another book, "The Half Has Never Been Told", by Edward Baptist, also well reviews this ignored economic aspect of American slavery, with book reviews at: New York Times, 03 Oct 2014, and Wall Street Journal, 05 Sep 2014, with a quote: "In the 1820s, slave owners held two million slaves worth $1 billion—a third of all U.S. wealth at the time." In 1865, Abraham Lincoln issues his Emancipation Proclamation, and the U.S. Congress passes the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery. You will note that while "US" appears infrequently above and before these dates, it appears more and more frequently below and after these dates. Indeed, in his book, "Battle Cry of Freedom", James McPherson reports that of the 143 important inventions patented in the U.S. by 1860, 93 percent were from Northern "free" states.
Start of the Electromagnetics to Modern Physics Innovation Era
(1865-1905) - Science Revolution
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
1865 | Electromagnetics | James Clerk Maxwell | Active | UK | |
1865 | Genetic Inheritance | Gregor Mendel | Active | DE | |
1865 | Regulated Scuba | Benoit Rouquayrol Auguste Denayrouse | Active | FR | |
1867 | Barbed Wire | Lucien Smith | Active | US | |
1869 | Margarine | Hippolyte Mege-Mouries | Active | FR | |
1870 | Skyscraper Building | George Post (Equitable Life) | Active | US | |
1872 | National Park | United States | Active | US | |
1874 | Set Theory | Georg Cantor | Active | DE | |
1874 | Heroin | C.R. Alder Wright | Active | UK | |
1875 | Milk Chocolate Bar | Daniel Peter/Nestle's | Active | CH | |
1876 | Telephone | Elisha Gray | Active | US | |
1876 | Vocal Message Social Network | SEE TELEPHONE | |||
1877 | Phonograph | Thomas Edison | Unessential | US | |
1877 | Stapler | Henry Heyl | Active | US | |
1878 | Wellness Movement | John Kellogg | Active | US | |
1880 | Electronic Hearing Aid | Francis Clarke M.G. Foster | Active | US | |
1880 | Cigarette "Printing Press" | James Albert Bonsack | Active | US | |
1880 | Vibrator | Joseph Mortimer Granville | Active | US | |
1881 | Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion | Jacques Arsene d'Arsonval | Waiting | FR | |
1882 | Hydroelectricity | Jacob Schoellkopf | Active | US | |
1883 | Solar Cell | Charles Fritt | Active | US | |
1883 | Organ Transplant | Theodor Kocher | Active | CH | |
1884 | Steam Turbine | Charles Parsons | Active | UK | |
1884 | Stock Market Index | Charles Dow | Active | US | |
1884 | Cash Register | James Ritty John Patterson | Active | US | |
1884 | Peanut Butter | Marcellus Gilmore Edison | Active | CA | |
1885 | Tissue Culture | Wilhem Roux | Active | DE | |
1885 | Modern Bicycle | John Kemp Starley | Active | UK | |
1885 | Modern Automobile | Karl Benz | Active | DE | |
1885 | Motorcycle | Daimler and Maybach | Active | DE | |
1886 | Cheap Aluminum | Charles Hall Paul Heroult | Active | US | |
1886 | Dry Cell Battery | Carl Gassner | Active | DE | |
1887 | Wind Turbine | Charles Brush | Active | US | |
1887 | Contact Lens | Adolf Fick/Theodor Samisch | Active | DE | |
1887 | Dishwasher | Josephine Cochrane | Active | US | |
1887 | Coupon | Asa Chandler | Active | US | |
1888 | Chemical Engineering | George Davis | Active | UK | |
1888 | Movie Camera | Louis Le Prince | Active | FR | |
1888 | Movie (Roundhay Garden Scene) | Louis Le Prince | Active | FR | |
1888 | Ballpoint Pen | John J. Loud | Active | UK | |
1888 | Antenna | Heinrich Hertz | Active | DE | |
1889 | Modern Bra | Herminie Cadolle | Active | FR | |
1889 | Old-Age Pension | Otto von Bismarck | Active | DE | |
1890 | Serum Therapy | Emil von Behring | Active | DE | |
1891 | Thermal Cracking | Vladimir Shukov | Active | RU | |
1895 | Radio Engineering | Guglielmo Marconi | Active | IT | |
1895 | Slot Machine | Charles Fey | Active | US | |
1895 | Breast Implants | Vincent Czerny | Active | DE | |
1895 | (Medical) X-rays | Wilhelm Roentgen | Active | DE | |
1895 1928 | Antibiotics (Penicillin) | Vincenzo Tiberio Alexander Fleming | Active | IT UK | |
1897 | Aspirin | Arthur Eichengrun | Active | DE | |
1897 | Condensed Soup | John Dorrance | Active | US | |
1898 | Flashlight | David Misell | Active | UK | |
1898 | Vitamins | Christiaan Eijkman Frederick Hopkins | Active | NL/UK | |
1898 | 3D Color Photograph | Frederic Eugene Ives | Active | US | |
1890s (late) | Voice chat rooms | American farmers (barbed-wire telephone nets) | Active | US | |
1900 | Hybrid-electric automobile (Semper Vivus) | Ferdinand Porsche | Active | DE | |
1901 | Airplane | Gustave Whitehead | Active | US | |
1901 | Safety Razor | King C. Gilette | Active | US | |
1901 | Vacuum Cleaner | Hubert Cecil Booth | Active | UK | |
1903+ | 'Freebie' Marketing | King C. Gilette | Active | US | |
1903 | Chromatography | Mikhail Tsvet | Active | RU | |
1903 | Decaffeination | Ludwig Roselius | Active | DE | |
1903 | Barbituates (as depressants) | Emil Fischer Joseph von Mering | Active | DE | |
1903 | Laminated Glass | Edouard Benedictus | Active | FR | |
1903 | Remote Control | Leonardo Torres Quevedo | Active | ES | |
1904/1906 | Vacuum Tubes (Diode,Triode) | John Ambrose Fleming/Lee De Forest | Active | UK/US | |
1904 | Radar | Christian Hulsmeyer | Active | DE | |
1904 | Geothermal Power Generation | Piero Ginori Conti | Active | IT | |
1905 | Local Anesthetic | Alfren Einhorn (novocaine) | Active | DE | |
1905 | Helicopter | Jan Bahyl | Active | SK | |
1905 | Modern Fire Engine | Knox Automobile | Active | US | |
1905 | Modern Physics | Albert Einstein | Active | DE |
End of the Electromagnetics to Modern Physics Innovation Era
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
1906 | Triode | Robert von Bieben | Unessential (evolution: 1947 - transistor) | AT | |
1907 | Modern Plastics (Bakelite) | Leo Baekeland | Active | US | |
1908 | Umami taste (glutamate. MSG) | Kikunae Ikeda | Active | JP | |
~1908 | Modern Law Firm | Paul Drennan Cravath | Active | US | |
1909 | Chemotherapy | Paul Ehrlich | Active | DE | |
1909 | Nitrogen Fixation | Fritz Haber | Active | DE | |
1909 | Synthetic Rubber | Fritz Hofmann | Active | DE | |
1909 | Airport | Wilbur Wright (College Park) | Active | US | |
1911 | Superconductivity | H. Kamerlingh-Onnes | Active | NL | |
1912 | Diffraction crystallography | Max von Laue | Active | DE | |
1912 | Stainless Steel | Elwood Haynes | Active | US | |
1912 | Abstract Art | Frantisek Kupka | Active | FR | |
1913 | Quantum Atom | Neils Bohr | Active | UK | |
1915 | Pyrex Glass | Corning Glass | Active | US | |
1916 | Modern Fast Food Restaurant | Walter Anderson (White Castle) | Active | US | |
1920 | Band-aid | Earle Dickson | Active | US | |
1921 | Medical Insulin | Frederick Banting Charles Best | Active | CA | |
1921 | Highway | Piero Puricelli | Active | IT | |
1922 | Blender | Stephen Poplawski | Active | US | |
1924 | Particle Diffraction | Louis de Broglie | Active | FR | |
1925 | Motel | Arthur Heineman | Active | US | |
1926 | Quantum Mechanics | Erwin Schrodinger Werner Heisenberg | Active | AT/DE | |
1926 | Modern Rockets | Robert Goddard | Active | US | |
1926 | Television | John Logie Baird | Active | UK | |
1927 | Videorecording | John Logie Baird | Active | UK | |
1927 | Industrial Corn (F-1) | Henry Wallace | Active | US | |
1929 | Consumer Frozen Food | Clarence Birdseye | Active | US | |
1929 | Tampon | Earle Haas (U.S. 1,926,900) | Active | US | |
1931 | Aerogel | Samuel Kistler | Active | US | |
1931 | Strobe Light | Harold Edgerton | Active | US | |
1933 | Garbage Disposal | John Hammes (U.S. 2,012,680) | Active | US | |
1935 | Nylon | Wallace Carothers | Active | US | |
1935 | Computational Chemistry | D.R. Hartree V.A. Fock | Active | UK | |
1936 | Videotelephone | Georg Schubert | Active | DE | |
1937 | Flying Automobile | Waldo Waterman | Active | US | |
1938 | Teflon (PTFE) | Roy Plunkett | Active | US | |
1939 | Automated Teller Machine | Luther Simjian | Active | US | |
1939 | Automatic Transmission (Hydra-Matic) | Chrysler | Active | US | |
1941 | Modern Spray Can | Lyle Goodhue/William Sullivan | Active | US | |
1941 | Programmable Computer | Konrad Zuse | Active | DE | |
1942 | Nuclear Reactor | Enrico Fermi et.al. | Active | US | |
1944 | Programming Language | Konrad Zuse | Active | DE | |
1945 | Microwave Oven | Percy Spencer | Active | US | |
1947 | Holography | Dennis Gabor | Active | UK | |
1947 | Fusion Reactor | George Paget Thomson Moses Blackman | Waiting | UK | |
1947 | Disposable Diaper | Valerie Hunter Gordon | Active | UK | |
1947 | Transistor | Bardeen/Brattain/Schockley | Active | US | |
1948 | Information Bit | Claude Shannon | Active | US | |
1948 | Cable Television | John Watson | Active | US | |
1948 | Velcro | George de Mestral | Active | CH | |
1949 | Medical Ultrasound | John Wild | Active | US | |
1949 | Hydraulic Fracturing | Stanolind Oil | Active | US | |
1949 | Photocopy Machine | Xerox | Active | US | |
1949 | Barcodes | Bernard Silver Norman Woodland | Active | US | |
1951 | Rock and Roll | Jackie Brenston Ike Turner (seeded by Rosetta Tharpe) | Active | US | |
1951 | Contraceptive Pill | Carl Djerassi | Active | MX | |
1952 | Diet Drinks | Kirsch Bottling (No-Cal ginger ale) | Active | US | |
1953 | Permanent Press Cotton | Ruth Benerito | Active | US | |
1953 | Sugary Cereals (Sugar Smacks, 53%) | Kellogg | Active | US | |
1954 | Transistor Radio | Regency Corp. | Active | US | |
1955 | Intermodal Container | Malcolm McLean | Active | US | |
1955 | Modern Hovercraft | Christopher Cockerell | Active | UK | |
1957 | Artificial Satellite | Sergei Korolev | Active | RU | |
1957 1965 | High Fructose Corn Syrup | Richard Marshall and Earl Kooi Yoshiyuki Takasaki | Actively killing | US/JP |
Start of Integrated Circuit to Teletext/Personal Computer Innovation Era
(1958-1981) - Technology Revolution
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
1958 | Integrated Circuit | Jack Kilby | Active | US | |
1958 | Functional Programming | John McCarthy (LISP) | Active | US | |
1957 | Computer Timesharing | John McCarthy (CTSS) | Active | US | |
1958 | Artificial Pacemaker | Laverde and Pombo Bakken Elmqvist and Senning | Active | CO,US,SE | |
1958 | Spring Break | Glendon Swarthout ("Where The Boys Are") | Active | US | |
1959 | Microcredit | Aktar Hameed Khan | Active | PK | |
1960 | Virtual Reality - U.S. Patent 3,050,870 | Morton Heilig | Active | US | |
1960 | Global Positioning | US Defense Dept. | Active | US | |
1960 | Document Linkage Analysis | Eugene Garfield | Active | US | |
1960 | Laser | Harold Maiman | Active | US | |
1961 | Videogame | Graetz/Russell/Wiitanen | Active | US | |
1962 | Industrial Robot | George Devol (U.S. 3279624) | Active | US | |
1962 | Database Management System | Charles Bachman | Active | US | |
1962 | Audio Cassette | Phillips Co. | Active | NL | |
1963 | Electronic Cigarette | Herbert Gilbert (U.S. 3,200,819) | Active | US | |
1963 1974 | Refractive eye surgery | Jose Barrauqer Svyatislav Fyodorov | Active | CO/US | |
1963 | Airline Reservation System | Trans-Canada Airlines | Active | CA | |
1963 | Computer Mouse | Douglas Engelbart | Active | US | |
1964 | Supercomputer | Seymour Cray | Active | US | |
1965 | Inkjet Printer | R.G. Sweet | Active | US | |
1960s | CAFO - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation | N/A | Active | United States | |
1965 | Instant Messaging | MIT (CTSS) | Active | US | |
1965 | Electronic Mail | MIT (CTSS) | Active | US | |
1965 | Touch Screen | E.A. Johnson | Active | US | |
1965 | Fast Fourier Transform | James Cooley John Tukey | Active | US | |
1966 | Reality Television | Chuck Barris (Dating Game) | Active | US | |
1967 | Cluster Computing Parallel Processing | Gene Amdahl | Active | US | |
1967 | Cloud Computing | SEE CLUSTER COMPUTING | |||
1967 | Hypertext | Ted Nelson Andries van Dam | Active | US | |
1967 | Markup Language | William Tunnicliffe | Active | US | |
1968 | Fluorescence flow cytometry | Fulwyler/Herzenberg/Gohde | Active | US/US/DE | |
1968 | Random Access Memory | Robert Dennard | Active | US | |
1968 | World Wide Web | Douglas Engelbart (NLS) | Active | US | |
1969 | Packet Switched Network | Robert Taylor J.C.R. Licklider BBN | Active | US | |
1969 | Network Router | ARPA/BBN (IMP) | Active | US | |
1969 | Open Source Software | Computer Physics Communication | Active | IR | |
1969 | Supersizing Food | David Wallerstein | US | Active | |
1969/1972 | Word Processor | Arnold Goldman/Stephen Dorsey | Active | US/CA | |
1970 | Groupware | David A. Evans | Active | US | |
1970 | Fiber optic wire | Maurer/Keck/Schultz | Active | US | |
1970 | Liquid Crystal Display | Wolfgang Helfrich Martin Schadt | Active | CH | |
1970 | Relational Database | Edgar F. Codd | Active | US | |
1970 | Commercial Narrative Pornography | Bill Osco | Active | US |
1970 marked the year in U.S. history that Employee Compensation, as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product, reached a maximum of 57%. Since 1970, it has steadily declined to about 53%, a level earlier seen in the 1940s, with the higher corporate profits benefitting capital, not labor. Technology most likely will prevent this maximum from ever being reached again.
1971 | Teletext | John Adams | Obsolete | UK | |
1971 | Microprocessor | Gary Boone/Micheal Cochran | Active | US | |
1971 | Video Game U.S. 3,728,480 | Ralph Baer | Active | US | |
1971 | Computer Virus | Bob Thomas | Active | US | |
1971 | X-Ray Computed Tomography | Godfrey HounsfieldAllan Cormack | Active | UK/US | |
1972 | Cyclosporine | Sandoz | Active | CH | |
1972/1976 | Index Fund | Richard Allen Beach/John Bogle | Active | US | |
1973 | Transgenic Organisms | Herbert Boyer Stanley Cohen | Active | US | |
1973 | Mobile Phone | Martin Cooper | Active | US | |
1973 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Raymond Damadian Paul Lauterbur | Active | US | |
1973 | Personal Computer | Xerox (Alto) | Active | US | |
1973 | Graphical User Interface | Xerox (Alto) | Active | US | |
1974 | Local Area Network | Xerox (Ethernet) | Active | US | |
1974 | Post-It Note | Art Fry Spencer Silver | Active | US | |
1976 | Statins | Akira Endo | Active | JP | |
1977 | In Vitro Fertilization | Patrick Steptoe Robert Edwards | Active | UK | |
1978 | Fiber Optic Cable WAN | Rediffusion | Active | UK | |
1979 | Online Shopping | Michael Aldrich | Active | UK | |
1979 | Spreadsheet | Dan Bricklin Bob Frankston | Active | US | |
1979 | 3D Printing | Ross Householder (U.S. 4,247,508) | Active | US | |
1979-1985 | Lithium-Ion Battery | John Goodenough Rachid Yazami Akira Yoshino | Active | UK/FR/JP | |
1980/1 | Quantum Computing | Paul Benioff/Richard Feynman | Active | US | |
1981 | Scanning Tunneling Microscope | Heinrich Rohrer Gerd Binning | Active | CH | |
1981 | Quantum Dots | Alexei Ekimov | Active | RU | |
1981 | Electronic Map | Texas Instruments Honda | Active | US | |
1981 | Online B2B Commerce | Thomson Holidays | Active | UK | |
1981 | Consumer Online Reservations | Japanese Railway System | Active | JP | |
1981 | Laptop Computer | Bill Moggridge (Grid) Epson (HX-20) | Active | UK/JP | |
1981 | Corporate Personal Computer | IBM | Active | US |
End of Integrated Circuit to Teletext/Personal Computer Innovation Era
NOTE: we are curently focusing on completing these timetables up to 1981. In terms of fundamental innovation, one can argue that since the mid-1980s, it has mostly been evolution and aesthetics, not revolution.
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
1982 | Liposuction | Yves-Gerard Illouz | Active | FR | |
1982 | Genetically Modified Plant | Monsanto | Active | US | |
1982 | Video Camera Recorder | Sony | Active | JP | |
1983 | Birth of Internet (ARPANET to TCP/IP switch) | ARPA | Active | US | |
1983 | Polymerase Chain Reaction | Kary Mullis | Active | US | |
1987 | High Temperature Superconductivity | K. Alex Muller J. Georg Bednorz | Active | CH | |
1987 | Exchange Traded Fund | Index Participation Shares Inc. | Active | US | |
1988 | NAND Flash Memory | Fujio Masuoka | Active | JP | |
1991 | Female Sperm | Ralph Brinster | Waiting | US | |
1994 | SmartPhone (Simon) | IBM/BellSouth | Active | US | |
1994 | DNA computer | Leonard Adelman | Waiting | US | |
1995 | Bose-Einstein condensate | Ketterle/Cornell/Wieman | Active | US | |
1995 | Retail Tax/Labor Electronic Arbitrage | Amazon | Active | US | |
1995 | Online Privacy Exploitation | DoubleClick/Google | Active | US | |
1995 | Computer Generated Movie | Disney (Toy Story) | Active | US | |
1996 | Mammalian Cloning | Ian Wilmut Keith Campbell | Active | UK | |
1997 | Video Sharing Network (shareyourworld.com) | Chase Norlin | Active | US |

Since the year 2000, innovators have spent over $30 billion acquiring 2.6 million U.S. patents. Since the year 2000, under Presidents Barack Obama and George Bush, the U.S. Federal government has spent over $800 billion on research and development, mostly through the DoD, DoE, NASA, and NIH. For this $800 billion (in light of these 2.6 million patents), U.S. taxpayers MAY have helped make contributions to the following fundamental post-1999 innovations:
Date | Innovation | Inventor | Status | Country | Economic Impact |
2001 | Artificial Liver | Kenneth Matsumara | Active | US | |
2009 | Global Virtual Currency | Satoshi Nakamoto (Bitcoin) | Active | JP | |
2009 | Non-Line-of-Sight Photography | Ramesh Raskar | Waiting | US | |
2010 | Consumer Plenoptics | Christian Perwass Lennart Wietzke | Active | DE | |
2012 | Peak Innovation Google Glass | see Jumping the Shark | US | ||
2013 | Test Tube Meat (Hamburger) | Mark Post | Waiting | NL | |
2013 | Digital Laser | CSIR/Andrew Forbes et al. | Active | ZA | |
2013 | Bionic Leg | Levi Hargrove et al. | Developing | US | |
2013 | Intelligent Scalpel | Zoltan Takats | Active | UK | |
2013 | 3D printed living organ (kidkey) | Xu Mingen et al. | Active | CN | |
2014 | Synthetic chromosome (yeasty) | Jef Boeke et al. | Active | US |
Start of the Cheap Electricity Storage to Cheap Ground-to-LEO Innovation Era
return to topLet us be blunt: unless civilization achieves cheap ground-to-LEO (Low Earth Orbit) transportation costs by mid-century, say 2050, civilization will choke on its own vomit, dead before its time is due. There are way too many people working so hard, and way too few political leaders leading. All other innovation is irrevelant for a better life (now, e.g., we can eat too much, can buy too much advertised crap on the Internet, can live long enough). We must expand off the planet. We need a "steam aerolocomotive" to raise us to Low Earth Orbit (with a cost which that has only dropped 50% in the last 30 years to plataeu around $11,000/pound). It won't be penis-shaped (such rockets only useful for inspiring David Bowie), and this "steam aerolocomotive" won't come out of Washington, Arlington or Silicon Valley. And it will be patented. In the words of The Animals, We Gotta Get Out Of This Place.